Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eleven Minutes..

Eleven Minutes is one of Paulo Coelho's best novels! This novel was the third I read from this author, and it is surprisingly different from his other works. This novel isn't the typical love story. 
Here, the novelist engages the reader in the search for the "inner light" by means of confronting things that torment us and by eliminating our wrong preconceptions of things and people. Paulo Coelho cleverly delved into the unexplainable mysteries of love, and the sacred essentiality of sex. 
Coelho's books have the tendency of making me reconsider many things in life, and reshape countless perceptions. Eleven Minutes did much more than this, the novel helped me further discover traits of my character as a woman. Without a doubt, reading this novel was a personally enriching experience. 
I've read many more of Coelho's fantastic works since (just started reading Brida), but Eleven Minutes remains at the top shelve section of my extensive book collection. 


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