Monday, October 25, 2010

Culpable Enjoyment...

So today I was doing some quick math on the amount of money I spend on Starbucks weekly, and the numbers surprised me. Turns out I spend around $7 a day, everyday excluding saturday and sunday. That adds up to $35 a week, which sums up to $140 a month. At this rate I spend  around $1680 yearly on coffee!! These calculations were truly surprising to me, since I usually walk up to the coffee shop's counter and the idea of indulging in a delicious cup of coffee overpowers the question of how overpriced it actually is. Buying coffee daily is definitely a habit; like wearing perfume, it almost comes naturally, but oh so costly! It is definitely an unnecessary expenditure but, I actually can't imagine my daily routine without it, so it will certainly be difficult to give it up. In today's economy, $7 a day on coffee is actually a little hard to comprehend, especially for a student! I actually don't think I can desist from this habit until I find a good alternative, hopefully that will be soon :) 
What are your culpable enjoyments?


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