Friday, October 8, 2010

::Avant-Garde Architecture::

This will surely be my sister's favorite post. As an architecture student she explained to me that one must have an "awakened eye" to truly appreciate architecture. She describes this "awakened eye" as taking an extra second to actually examine every part of an architectural piece. Like this, one will take notice of not only the work as a whole, but also the small factors that contribute to the perfection of the masterpiece.  I laughed at first at this theory of the "awakened eye", but later analyzed what she said, to come to the conclusion that in fact we need that "awakened eye" for true appreciation of architecture. She should coin the term LOL
Here are some examples of impacting avant- garde architecture...



  1. Nice post! I've trained you well! LOL you are forced to hear about architecture, learn about it and even travel to locations exclusively for architecture. This girl is a step ahead of the poli-sci/ law students because she has an eye for what really rules the world [architecture and design] so this makes her that much smarter.


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